WGA Akten

File Numbers


The file numbers provide some initial information about the restitution claim in question. For example, property confiscated in an occupied country was given a file number containing an abbreviation of that country’s name (in German).
There were also special file numbers for property confiscated as part of the so-called Furniture Operation (Möbel-Aktion, or simply M-Aktion ), during which furniture and other household effects were seized in occupied countries.


Abbreviation/acronym Full word/name in German English translation
Ung. Ungarn Hungary
NL Niederlande Netherlands
Belg. Belgien Belgium
Belg./Bank Belgien, Bankkonten Belgium, Bank accounts
Belg./D Belgien, Diamanten Belgium, Diamonds
Belg./Gebetsh. Belgien, Gebetshäuser Belgium, Houses of prayer
Belg./M Belgien, Möbel Belgium, Furniture
Belg./M/Dr.Gr Belgien, Möbel - Dr. Gärtner Belgium, Furniture, Dr. Gärtner
Belg./M/Go. Belgien, Möbel - Goldberg Belgium, Furniture, Goldberg
Belg./M/Gutm. Belgien, Möbel - Gutmacher Belgium, Furniture, Gutmacher
Belg./M/URO Belgien, Möbel - United Restitution Organization Belgium, Furniture, United Restitution Organization
CDS/M Frankreich, Comité de défense des spoliés France, Comité de défense des spoliés
Dr. F/M Frankreich, Dr. Feher France, Dr. Feher
FS Frankreich, Fonds social juif unie France, Fonds social juif unie
FS/M Frankreich, Fonds social - Möbel France, Fonds social, Furniture
F/M/Gr. Frankreich, Möbel - Dr. Grunwald France, Furniture, Dr. Grunwald
URO/FM Frankreich, Möbel - URO France, Furniture, URO
Öst/Gr. Österreich - Graz Austria, Granz
Öst Österreich - Sammelstelle Wien Austria, Collecting point Vienna
IT Italien Italy
PL Polen Poland
CS Tschechoslowakei Czechoslovakia
GR Griechenland Greece
TR Triest Trieste
Au Auschwitz  
IR Israel  
IR/U Israel-Ungarn Israel-Hungary
Eck Anmeldungen Dr. Eckstein Applications Dr. Eckstein
X Verspätete Anmeldungen Late Applications
Rest Verspätete Anmeldungen Late Applications
JRSO Jewish Restitution Successor Organization Inc.  
ATO Allgemeine Treuhandorganisation  
URO United Restitution Organization